Returning to my roots, Italy

In May this year I returned to Italy for the first time in 19 years.

Now a wife, a mother and motherless I am infinitely different but my feelings for Italy remained the same.

The first time I travelled to Italy was a trip with my parents. It was my dad’s first trip back 44 years after immigrating.

I vividly remember the feeling as if someone had turned the light on. Suddenly I could see myself with clarity. Even though I’d never been to Italy before and spoke very little, it was incredibly familiar. It felt like home.

We live the cultures our parents grew up in and it flows on into us. It’s in our DNA, it’s a part of us, more than we realise. Returning to the roots of my culture helps me to add to the picture of who I am. Going back this year allowed me to reconnect and remember especially now that my mum has passed.

I spent 4.5 weeks circling the beautiful country. I shot 3 weddings, one with Norman + Blake and the other two with my long time friend and colleague Kremers. It was an absolute treat to get this opportunity. Not only did I reconnect with my family but I was reminded who I was. Its an easy thing to get lost in the daily grind of life especially with young children.

Kremers and I will be back next year in September. Hit us up here.